The Cost of Body Shame: Fighting Weight Stigma in Today’s Society

As part of International Woman’s Day, I felt it was appropriate to address the subject of body image.

If you’re female, you won’t need me to tell you the kind of impact society has on us when it comes to our appearance, especially when it comes to our figure. We are bombarded with images of the ‘perfect look’; for generations, we have been expected to look just like the models in magazines and now celebrity icons plastered all over social media. There seems to be a hidden pressure for us that differs from men, and even when logically we know it’s bullshit, it still secretly haunts us.

Now I ask you with honesty, what do you see when you look at this photo?

I bet you’re looking at it thinking, ‘wow, what a gorgeous figure’.

You probably see someone who is healthy and happy; someone who has her life together – right?